

This visa allows you to:

  • Stay in Australia indefinitely
  • Work and study in Australia
  • Access Medicare, Australia’s public healthcare system
  • Sponsor your relatives to join you in Australia
  • Apply for Australian citizenship, provided you meet the eligibility requirements

Main Criteria

The Australian Department of Home Affairs offers a Parent Visa for individuals who have children living in Australia as permanent residents or citizens who are considered “settled.” A “settled” status generally requires the child to have been a resident in Australia for a reasonable period, typically at least two years.

To be eligible for this visa, applicants must meet the balance of family test, which requires that:

  • At least half of the applicant’s children are Australian citizens or permanent residents, or
  • More of the applicant’s children reside in Australia than in any other country.

The test includes all children, including stepchildren and adopted children of both parents.

Additionally, applicants must:

  • Be sponsored by an eligible person, usually their child, and
  • Satisfy health and character requirements.

Visa Types

Subclass 864 (Permanent)
This permanent visa, known as a “Contributory” visa, requires a substantial financial contribution.

  • Application fees: $4,765 for the first applicant and $2,380 for each additional applicant.
  • Second installment: $43,600 per applicant.
  • Processing time: New applications meeting the criteria and placed in the queue are estimated to take at least 12 years for final processing.

The large second installment helps offset the rights granted under permanent residency, such as access to healthcare, which visa holders may not have contributed to through taxes like lifelong Australian residents.

Subclass 884 (Temporary)
This temporary visa serves as a pathway to permanent residency.

  • Application fees: $4,765 for the first applicant and $2,380 for each additional applicant.
  • Second installment: $29,130, payable before the visa is granted.
  • Duration: Valid for two years, after which applicants must pay an additional $19,420 and apply for the permanent Subclass 864 visa.
  • Processing time: Applications meeting the criteria and placed in the queue are also estimated to take at least 12 years for final processing.

General Conditions

  • The second installment is only payable after each applicant has successfully passed health and character checks and the Assurance of Support (AoS) has been lodged with the Australian government.
  • Once the second installment is paid, the visa will be granted, provided all requirements are met.
  • Second installment payments are non-refundable in all cases.


 The fees for Permanent Parent Visas are as follows; note all fees are in AUD and that that VisaEnvoy fees are payable in full prior to lodgement of your visa application.

AVC Professional Fee – Contributory Parent Visa (Permanent- SC864) $4,500
Application Fee – Main Applicant (at time of application)* $4,765 , $2,380
2nd Visa Application Charge (at time of decision)* Main Applicant, 2nd Visa Application Charge (at time of decision)* Spouse $43,600 + $43,600

*1.4% Credit card surcharge applies.

As noted above if you wish to stagger the process, you can apply for the Temporary Parent Visa (subclass 884) which is granted for 2 years and then apply for the Permanent Visa. The advantage is a lower 2nd VAC fee of $29,130. At the permanent stage 2 years later a second payment of $19,420 is payable. The process takes 1.5 to 2 years for the first stage and another 12 to 18 months for the permanent stage. However, once the first stage is approved the visa holder can live in Australia as the holder of the subclass 884 visa.

Fees for the subclass 884 > subclass 864 pathway are as follows;

AVC Professional Fee –Contributory Parent Visa (Temporary-SC884) $4,500
Application Fee – Main Applicant (at time of application)*,Dependant Application Fee (Spouse)* $4,765 + $2,380
2nd Visa Application Charge (at time of decision)* Main Applicant, 2nd Visa Application Charge (at time of decision)* Spouse $29,130, $29,130
Professional Fee –Contributory Parent Visa (Permanent- SC884) $2,000
Application Fee – Main Applicant (at time of application)*,Dependant Application Fee (Spouse)* $420 + $215
2nd Visa Application Charge (at time of decision)* , 2nd Visa Application Charge (at time of decision)* SpouseMain Applicant $19,420 , $19,420

*1.4% Credit card surcharge applies.

Assurance of Support (AoS)

 Additionally there is an AoS which is payable toward time of decision. For two applicants this is currently $14,000. The bond is refunded ten years after you enter Australia as the holder of the contributory parent visa, less any debts owed to the Australian government.

Bridging Visas

If you are in Australia as the holder of a valid visa (e.g. Visitor visa) and you make an application for a Contributory parent visa (subclass 884/864) visa, you can be granted what is called a Bridging Visa “A” (BVA). The BVA enables you to remain lawfully in Australia while your visa application is being processed.

If you travel outside Australia your BVA may cease (depending on your situation), so you may have no ‘right of re-entry’ into Australia. Therefore, if you need to travel during the processing of your visa you may first need to obtain what is called a Bridging Visa “B” (BVB). The BVB will allow limited travel during the processing of your application in Australia. The standard period of time allowed for travel during the processing of an application is three (3) months. You have full work rights while your bridging visa is in effect.

Health Insurance

 Both holders of Subclass 864 (Permanent) and Subclass 884 (Temporary) visas are eligible for domestic health cover known as Medicare. If you’ve applied for a Contributory parent visa you may get a Medicare card. If you’ve applied directly for the permanent Contributory visa without holding the temporary Contributory visa you’re not eligible until your permanent Contributory visa is granted.

Length of stay

​Two years

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